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Trail Connection

Connecting Ship Creek Trail and the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail in Downtown Anchorage

Stay tuned, a second public meeting is in the works.

If you missed the first public meeting, review the project documents here . Comments are accepted anytime.

Project No. CFHWY00586

Project Scope

The AMATS Downtown Trail Connection Project will connect the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail and the Ship Creek Trail in Downtown Anchorage to form a 14-mile continuous non-motorized, multi-use corridor. This over one-mile connection will complete the most high-profile missing link identified in the Anchorage Areawide Trails Plan (1997) and is supported by the MOA Non-Motorized Plan.


The Project will provide ADA compliant non-motorized access to the small boat launch and maximize utility and safety. The Downtown Trail Connection Project will go through the Municipality of Anchorage's trail review process with community involvement, Parks and Recreation Commission and approval by the Urban Design Commission.


Click here for a PDF of the Project Area Map.


Project Documents


The documents above were presented at the first public open house, focusing on project scoping, on August 10, 2022.  The project schedule shown on the Fact Sheet has been updated as of March, 2024. As the project continues to develop, additional documents and resources will be posted here - stay tuned.



August 2022


Winter/Spring 2024-2025


Winter/Spring 2024-2025


Winter/Spring 2024-2025



Open House 1: Public Scoping


Open House 2: Preferred Alternative


Parks & Recreation Commission Review


Urban Design Commission Trail Review at 65% Design


Construction anticipated to begin dependent on funding availability and completion of the railroad bridge over Ship Creek. 

For more information on the AKRR Ship Creek Bridge replacement click here

Contact Us


Email a member of the project team


Kristina Busch, PE, Project Manager


R&M Consultants, Inc.

Van Le, AICP, Planning & Engagement Manager


Kinney Engineering, LLC

John Pekar, PE, Project Manager


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